The "Unitech Elkonferansen" is our flagship in the courses and seminars genre. The Norwegian language conference gathers specialists and professionals from the entire industry for a full day of presentations and discussions. The conference has been popular since the first year and the feedback from the participants is very good.
We also organize courses within our areas of expertise. Among these are training courses in the use of the analysis tools from Power Analytics (formerly EDSA): Over 25 years, we have trained more than 3 000 engineers in the use of these tools.
From time to time we also organize "lunch seminars". These seminars are normally free of charge, last for a couple of hours and are limited to 8-10 participants. In the lunch seminars, we briefly present a subject and then open up for discussions and exchange of ideas and experience.
We may also organize courses on request. Contact us if this is of interest to you.